Is Admin To Blame For All Our Problems
Although this editorial is about the education system in the US, it says some pretty provocative things about administrators in general. I think most responsible administrators would accept a lot of responsibility for their school’s success or failure, but do they deserve the most blame? Is poor leadership as endemic in school administration as Mr. White seems to think? Are international schools different, or are our problems...
Make Room for the Introverts
A great TED Talk about society’s view of introverts and our obsession with extroverted leadership. How can we as teachers, administrators, parents, etc rethink the way we view introverts and extroverts? Are you an introvert? How about your school’s leaders? Is your school a good place to be an...
How Can School Leaders Improve Teacher Motivation?
Some interesting insights about where people find their motivation. How does this change the way school leaders should work to improve...
Harvard Study: What Makes Young Leaders…
Is the student who organizes tag during recess or chooses to help a classmate with math on track to be a senator, a CEO, or a community leader? He—or she—may well be. Behaviors like embracing novel experiences, supporting peers, even pestering parents for lessons can predict whether a child will emerge as a leader in adulthood, according to researchers who say they are the first to plot a pathway from childhood experiences to adult...