The Logistics Filter

The Logistics Filter

Have you heard the joke about the logistic-minded bride-to-be?  It goes like this.  Once there was a man who fell in love.  He couldn’t imagine living a day without his perfect wife, so mustering all of his courage he got down on one knee and asked his potential fiancé the big question, “will you marry me?”  Understanding how important of a question this was the bride paused to think deeply about what she was being asked, and finally replied, “is the chapel available on that day?” Alright, I’ll be the first to admit I shouldn’t quit my day job for a new career in comedy.  Still my joke has an important lesson, when dealing with matters of the heart don’t think about the logistics.  Of course, that’s not to say that logistics aren’t important, in fact they’re crucial, and really what helps the world go round, but our communities suffer when when we allow logistics to determine our school programs. Lately, I’ve been reminded by the good work Sherry Miller and her crew at Empowerment Unlimited have done to transform schools to help refresh and discover their core mission, vision, and purpose (check out my interview with her here).  Core mission and vision?  Yeah those things we have written in our admissions literature and handbooks.  Often these statements and goals never come off the paper their written on, and at the very least do little to transform and lead the schools for whom they’re created.  Of course this doesn’t mean that schools without vibrant mission and vision statements don’t have a powerful decision making tool, because they do, the...