Introducing the Learn[ed]Leadership Summer Reading List

Introducing the Learn[ed]Leadership Summer Reading List

Why is it that the longest month of the year also happens to be the last month of the school year?  Of course there are a number of months with 31 days (7 to be exact), but August is the only month without any major school holidays.  Now don’t get all pious as you read this and say you don’t need a break.  After all if you’re like most teachers or administrators I know (at least the good ones), you’ve been working 50-60 hr work weeks all year anyway.

So now that summer is finally upon us, it’s time to reflect on the year and learn something new.  Sounds like a nice vague summer goal to me.  So in an attempt to keep myself accountable and not let the summer drip through my fingers like a quickly melting ice cream cone on the 4th of July (I am from the US after all), I’m going to use the following weeks to review a few books for the Learn[ed]Leadership Summer Reading List.

Similar to the book reviews in TIME Magazine, I’ll make a quick a cutting judgement of the book; either READ, SKIM, or SKIP.

The first book for the Learn[ed]Leadership Summer Reading List is Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School.  Yes, I know it has little to do with leadership, but it was written by a fellow international teacher, Andrew Hallam, an English teacher at Singapore American School.  Learn more about his book and how to download a copy here.  Watch for the review in the coming days.

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