The Unlikely Writer-Why I Blog and Why You Should Too

There’s little in my background as a student that would ever suggest I’d enjoy writing and one day write an almost daily blog.  As a child I hated writing and would avoid it at all costs.  Like many boys, I had poor handwriting and despite a wild imagination would avoid illustrative language and instead just provide what was required…and sometimes less…Ok a lot of times less.  So what changed?

Not me, but not too far from my personal font.

That’s a good question and something I’m still trying to figure out.  It might have been all the papers I’ve written for college and beyond, and an increased level of comfortability that comes with practice.  Or more likely it’s that I can be kind of vain and like to the approval of others, and blogging has provided an avenue for this.  Either way and for whatever reason, it’s been worth it because I’ve found as I write that my ideas and passions are jumped started and refined by the process.  To put in another way, think about it like this…Do you know of any great authors, rappers, songwriters, etc who simply sit and think, and then one day create a masterpiece?  No, of course not, it takes practice.  Writing provides this opportunity and transforms the way a person thinks.  Or by comparison, in the last few years I’ve finished a masters, started a doctorate, traveled the world, changed jobs, had a kid, and none of it compares to how much  I’ve learned about myself from taking time regularly write.

So how does this relate to you?  You should be writing.  In fact you should be blogging, especially if you want to grow as a professional.  The act of doing so will transform the way you think and provide a canvas for your inspirations.  So go start a blog.  Or even simpler write a response to this below.  If you do start a blog and it’s about education, leadership, or entrepreneurship then you should be posting it to this Learn[ed]Leadership  (learn more here).

So am I write (get it)?  Are you a blogger? Share your thoughts below, and share this blog with others!

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